I was suppose to go walking today...I have a walking buddy every Wednesday. This Wednesday I scheduled a breakfast for the children in my Sunday primary class; putting off walking until Friday. Sometimes either myself or my walking buddy forget. It's an easy thing to do, we get up and start in with the day to day things, make beds, start laundry, plan out the to do's and what's going to be for dinner clutters our mind. This kind of thinking by passes anything we as woman, wives, and mothers might have planned for ourselves to do like walking with a buddy. I didn't forget this time my buddy did. My thoughts were on My Gardner Guy...
By 8:15 I knew my friend had forgotten about our walking, I was up and dressed doing a few things while waiting. For a moment I thought about climbing back in bed... it wouldn't hurt anything. I could still get to the day to day cleaning, My Gardner Guys white shirts washed and ironed, plan dinner, water the garden, the list can go on and on as there is always another thing that can be done in our daily life's. Then the thought came again, I use the word again because I have had these same feelings before... every morning My Gardner Guy gets up early, really early...even if the thought entered in his mind about going back to bed he can not and would not; so much depends upon him being committed, diligent, faithful, hardworking, loyal, day after day. I am thankful for him, I am thankful to my Father, and thankful to all the other Fathers and Men out there sacrificing for others....taking care of their wives, their children, their families....They are so much like our Heavenly Father who allowed himself to be sacrificed so that we could be forgiven and hopefully most of of us will want and strive to live a worthy life in thankfulness and gratitude of all he has done in our behaves.
I made this very moist and sweet cake...My Gardner Guy loved it....he really loved it!!!
Rhubarb Cake with topping
1 1/2 c. rhubarb, cut very fine
1/2 c. sugar
Mix well and set aside.
2 C flour
1 1/2 C sugar
1 C buttermilk
1/2 teas. salt
1/2 C vegetable oil
2 eggs
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
¼ tsp allspice
1 tsp vanilla
Mix well, then stir in the above
rhubarb mixture.
Pour into a greased 9"x13" pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for
40-45 mins.
6 T. butter
1/4 C. milk
1 C. finely chopped nuts
2/3 C. brown sugar
1 C. coconut
Combine & boil for 3 mins. Spread
over the cake while cake is still
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